Kristyn Rose Yoga
40 Minute Yoga Nidra for Deep Rest
40 Minute Yoga Nidra for Deep Rest
40 Minute New Moon Yoga Nidra for Deep Rest and Relaxation
Welcome to this yoga nidra guided meditation for deep rest and relaxation. Celebrate the rising of the New Moon or the Dark Moon 'Amavasya'. Sink deeply into stillness under the healing darkness of the night sky as you are carried into a healing state of wakeful sleep where the body undergoes regeneration and rejuvenation. The dark moon invites us to slow down, to rest, to turn inward, and to cultivate heartfelt intentions. You are the creator and the manifestor of your own life. Be with your heartspace and listen to your heart's wisdom at this time so that you may step fowward into this next lunar cycle and decide where you wish to direct your life force energy. Create the life that you long for and the one that you deserve.
Yoga nidra is an effortless guided meditative practice that brings you into the deepest realms of wakeful sleep where we gain access to the subconscious mind the plant the seed of good intention. With breath and mindful awareness, bring your intentions into fruition and into existing reality. Happy resting :)